Stop Hair Loss in Its Tracks. See Visible Regrowth.

Herbal hair tonics targeting the root causes of hair loss. Formulated by TCM physicians.

Which solution is right for you?

What to expect

Activates hair follicles
Reduced hair loss
Strengthen & thicken hair
Stronger & thicker hair
Speeds hair growth
Revitalised hair follicles
Reverses thinning hair
Improved scalp health
Simulates new hair growth
New hair growth
Scalp oil control

Classic Hair Tonic

Our best-selling hair growth formula– suitable for all genders and ages

  • Strengthens hair follicles
  • Reduces hair loss
  • Increases blood circulation to the scalp
  • Promotes hair growth

Postpartum Hair Tonic

Specifically formulated for postpartum hair loss.
Replenishes the loss of qi and blood from childbirth– cause of postpartum hair loss according to Chinese medicine.

  • Replenishes and promotes blood circulation to the scalp.
  • Promotes healthy scalp
  • Safe for breastfeeding

What Causes Hair Loss?

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the volume and quality of the hair reflects the person’s internal health.

Qi (vital life energy) and blood are vital body substances crucial for hair health. Deficiencies in any of these areas can trigger hair loss.

Functioning of organs such as the spleen, liver and the kidneys are also linked to hair health.

For example, the kidneys store a substance named ‘Jing’ (diminishes after mid-thirties) which is also crucial for hair growth and colour.

PULSE hair tonics are designed to target these underlying causes of hair loss and nourish your scalp with the essential substances for hair growth. 

Key Ingredients

PULSE hair tonics are formulated by from a combination of Chinese herbs with known effective properties for reducing hair loss and triggering hair growth. We use 100% non-comedogenic ingredients and concentrated herbal extracts.

How to Use PULSE Hair Tonics

Step 1:

Using your eyebrows as a guide, the meridian path 督脉 (du mai) can be found in between your eyebrows.

Step 2:

Trace the path to the top of your head and align fingers along a straight line. Apply pressure and massage for 30 seconds.

Step 3:

Using the start of your eyebrows as a guide, trace a straight line extending upwards from your brows to the head and align fingers along the bladder meridian path, 膀胱经 (pang guang jing).

Step 4:

Apply light pressure and massage for 30 seconds.

Step 5:

Align your fingers against your hairline at the side of the head where the gallbladder merdian path 胆经 (dan jing) is located. Apply light pressure and massage 10 seconds.

Step 6:

After 10 seconds, move your fingers 1 inch backwards and massage for another 10 seconds.

Step 7:

Repeat step 6 until your fingers reach the back of your head.

Step 1: 
Using your eyebrows as a guide, the meridian path 督脉 (du mai) can be found in between your eyebrows.

Step 2:
Trace the path to the top of your head and align fingers along a straight line. Apply pressure and massage for 30 seconds.

Step 3:
Using the start of your eyebrows as a guide, trace a straight line extending upwards from your brows to the head and align fingers along the bladder meridian path, 膀胱经 (pang guang jing).

Step 4: 
Apply light pressure and massage for 30 seconds.

Step 5: 
Align your fingers against your hairline at the side of the head where the gallbladder merdian path 胆经 (dan jing) is located. Apply light pressure and massage 10 seconds.

Step 6: 
After 10 seconds, move your fingers 1 inch backwards and massage for another 10 seconds.

Step 7: 
Repeat step 6 until your fingers reach the back of your head.



Dispense 2-3 pumps of hair tonic and massage into your scalp.

For better results, apply once daily and use consistently for at least three months.  

Yes, this product is safe for use by pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Hair loss got you down? We've got you covered (literally).

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